**NEW DATE** -- The TRHS Career-Technical Education (CTE) Conversation for all interested students and parents will be held on Monday, February 14, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. This will be a time for students and parents to tour TRHS CTE programs, talk to teachers, and get a firsthand look at everything Theodore Roosevelt has to offer.
On February 14, please go directly to the program room(s):
- Athletic Health Care & Fitness -- Rm. 151
- Business & Sports Management -- Rm. 184
- Computer-Aided Design & Engineering Technologies -- Rm. 150
- Construction Technologies -- Rm. 178
- Cosmetology -- Rm. 168
- Electronics, Robotics, and Programming -- Rm. 157
- Engineering Academy -- Rm. 155
- Forestry & Landscape Management -- Rm. 176
- Health Careers Technology -- Rm. 158
- Marketing -- Rm. 167
- Teaching Professions -- Rm. 170
If you need additional program information go to www.rhscte.net, www.sixdistrict.com, or call the Kent TRHS Career Technical Office at (330) 676-8740. The final step to join a program is to Complete a CTE Application.