On Tuesday February 25, 2025, ALL Freshman and Juniors are to report to school. Freshmen are taking the PreACT 9 test and Juniors are taking the state provided ACT test.
Sophomores and Seniors will not report to school that day. Sophomores will have asynchronous classroom assignments. The Seniors will be independently exploring post secondary opportunities of enrollment, enlistment and employment OR attending the class trip to the Cleveland Aquarium (pre-registration was required).
Freshman and Juniors should be at school by 7:15 am; the test starts at 7:30 am. Students will report to the room where they are taking the test. The room assignments will be sent to each student via their school email. In addition, the list of rooms and rosters will be posted outside of the counseling office and the library.
The Pre-ACT9 (for Freshmen) will take approximately two and a half hours. Students with accommodations may take longer. After the test, there will be a Freshman Class A.L.I.C.E training in the auditorium. Bagged lunches will be available after testing in a grab and go style. Freshmen must request lunch in advance via Google Form in their Class of 2028 Google Classroom.
The ACT (for Juniors) will take approximately four and a half hours. Students with accommodations may take longer depending on the accommodation specified. If your student receives accommodations please look for another letter to explain their accommodations. For Juniors, bagged lunches will be available after testing in a grab and go style. Juniors must request lunch in advance via Google Form in their Class of 2026 Google Classroom.
Once the testing and class sessions are complete, students are able to leave for the day. If they do not have their own transportation, buses will be provided leaving at 11:45 am, 12:45 pm and 2:29 pm.
Please be sure all Freshmen and Juniors come to school well-rested and nourished. Please contact Mrs. D’Aurelio with any questions you may have at jdaurelio@kentschools.net or 330-676-8728.