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Electronics, Robotics, and Programming

Program Description

Career opportunities are abundant and increasing in the lucrative fields of electronics, robotics and programming. This two-year program provides students with hands-on experiences to open up opportunities to continue their studies in post-secondary education, enhance their skills in the military or directly enter the work force. Employer-valued industry certifications are offered.

Digital Program Notebook

Program Requirements

GRADE LEVEL: 10, 11, 12




Level I: IA DC Circuits 1.5 credits (5.0); IB Digital Electronics 1.5 credits (5.0).

Level II: IIA Analog Electronics 1.5 credits; IIB AC Circuits 1.5 credits (5.0).

Virtual Tour

Program Overview

Areas of Concentration

  • Renewable Energy

  • Aviation

  • Telecommunications

  • Information Technology

  • Medical Technology

Skills Necessary for Success

  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team

  • Ability to follow directions and assume responsibility

  • Written and verbal communication skills

  • Disciplined self-starter

  • Creative problem-solver

  • Logical thinker who pays attention to detail

  • Aptitude for precision work

  • Manual dexterity

  • Patience to follow through on tasks

Professional Pathway

  • Computer laboratory technician

  • Development instrumentation technician

  • Electronic communication technician

  • Nuclear reactor electronics technician

  • Systems testing laboratory technician

  • Electronics manufacturing and production technician

  • Electronic equipment installer

  • Cable television installer

  • Computer installer/technician

Higher Educational Opportunities

  • College credits available

  • Associate’s degree

  • Bachelor’s degree

Helpful Background

  • Using specialized tools and equipment

  • Hands on applications of scientific principles

  • Computer technology

  • Electricity and circuitry


  • Excellent attendance record

  • Minimum 2.5 GPA

Meet the Instructors

Ted Karam

Stories & Projects from Electronics, Robotics, and Programming

VEX Robots Autonomously Driving In Traffic, Then Parking When Lighting Conditions Change

February 21, 2018

Students at Theodore Roosevelt High School in Kent, Ohio built and programmed VEX robots to autonomously drive and park! Using infrared, ultrasonic, and photo sensors these robots must stay on a winding black striped track, avoid collisions, and then go to park when the lights go off!

Student Creates a Robotic Arm to Play Drum Set

February 20, 2018

A small drumset

Drew, a student in the Kent Theodore Roosevelt High School Electronics, Robotics & Programming, built and programmed a ROBIX robotic arm to play a mini-drum set.

Electronics, Robotics and Programming VEX Robot Autonomous Parking

February 13, 2018

VEX Robot Autonomous Parking

Students of the Electronics, Robotics and & Programming course at Theodore Roosevelt High School in Kent, OH built and programmed VEX robots for autonomous parking using line trackers, sonar, and some very clever programming.

Egg Drop Design Winners

November 16, 2017

Students at the egg drop competition

On the first day of school, Academy students were broken up into teams based on their home school to give Level 1 and Level 2 students a chance to work together.  The students were given 10 sheets of paper and a meter of tape and were challenged to make a device that would protect an egg from breaking when dropped from the top of the stadium. They were given 20 minutes to design and build the device.  The lightest weight device that kept the egg from breaking or cracking was declared the winner. Congratulations to the Tallmadge team, which won this year’s challenge.