Field trip requests
The Kent City Schools Transportation Department is excited to introduce you to Tripfinder, our new online Field Trip Request system.
We find that the online system is very beneficial since you can track if you sent a request, was it approved and your requests can be duplicated from year to year. The new request form has templates we built in for you to use or you may create your own.
We added our previous destinations along with the addresses and created drop down features for you to choose from; such as the pickup location. If you want to go to a destination that is not in the database, please email, or call 330-676-7691 to get your destination and address in the system.
We appreciate you taking the time to learn this new process. If you have questions or concerns, we are here to help. Please call our department, 330-676-7691 or email
When you are checking your trips, the client ID is: kentcity
Barry Smith, Transportation Supervisor
Karissa Logan, Transportation Administrative Assistant
Create a Field Trip Request in Tripfinder [PDF]
Create a Field Trip Request in Tripfinder Video [MP4] 5 minutes