Print Shop
The Print Shop is closed for winter and spring breaks, and is open half days during the summer break.
Basic Guidelines for using the Print Shop:
Allow for a 5 school day turn around time for basic jobs, from the time you put it in the Pony, until the time you would get it back. Most of the time you will get your items within a day or two. The extra time allows for any unforeseen variables.
Please remove all staples
Please use paper clips instead of staples
Please use a glue stick instead of tape. Tape jams up the machine.
If you must use post-it notes to give me additional information, please make sure that they stick out, so I can see them
Whenever possible, please submit the item to be duplicated the way that you would like it to be reproduced.
Services provided:
Basic black and white copies/prints (Color copies/prints not available)
Lamination - with proper request slip, and it MUST be signed by your building principal and meet the criteria listed on the request slip
Comb binding
Scratch pads
Just ask! :)
Please allow extra time for any specialty requests such as laminating, comb binding, note pads, etc.
Beginning or end of school year requests:
The Print Shop is popular, so please use actual needed due dates, so I can prioritize everyone’s requests in a timely manner
If you send in jobs for an entire 9 weeks, please organize it so the earliest needed jobs are due first with appropriate due dates.
August is always super busy! Get your requests in early (with the actual needed due dates). October items can be completed a little later, for example.
I will process your print jobs (with later due dates) as soon as I can, to get them back to you in a timely manner.
Click here to submit an online Print Shop Request ticket.
Or, you can put your hard copies in an interoffice envelope, and send it, along with a paper Print Shop Request ticket, to the Print Shop at the Depeyster Board of Education.
Erica Routt
Print Shop & Enrollment Secretary
330-676-7605 - Print Shop