purple star district

Resources for Military Connected Youth & Families

Theodore Roosevelt High School

Military Liaison: Jen Flaherty


A Purple Star School

Stanton Middle School

Military Liaison: Terry Clutter


A Purple Star School

Davey Elementary

Military Liaison: Julie Gray



A Purple Star School

Roosevelt High School - Purple Star 2024-2027

Stanton MS - Purple Star 2024-2027

Davey Elementary - A purple star school

Holden Elementary

Military Liaison: Jasmine Scott


A Purple Star School

Longcoy Elementary

Military Liaison:  Amanda Brately


A Purple Star School

Walls Elementary

Military Liaison: Kaleigh Katz


A Purple Star School

Holden ES -  - Purple Star 2024-2027

Longcoy ES - Purple Star 2024-2027

Walls ES - Purple Star 2024-2027

District Liaison: Louise Feciuch | lfeciuch@kentschools.net

There are almost two million children who have a parent or guardian serving in the United States Armed Forces. Roughly three quarters of those military connected youth are 4-18 years of age. Military connected youth can be found in every school district in the country. With only one active duty base in Ohio (Wright Patterson Air Force Base), the importance of education/community outreach could not be greater when it comes to supporting the social, emotional, and academic needs of these children.


   Ohio National Guard Family Readiness & Warrior Support Education Resources for Military Connected Youth Resource Guide


Father Daughter


son and father


Post 9/11 GI Bill - The Post 9/11 GI Bill allows service members to transfer unused educational benefits to immediate dependent family members (spouse and children). Transferred benefits may be able to pay for college tuition, housing, books and supplies after High School graduation until the dependent child has turned 26 years old.

Education and Training Home (va.gov)

Ohio War Orphans & Severely Disabled Veterans Scholarship - Awards tuition assistance to children of fallen or severely disabled veterans who served during a period of declared conflict or war.

Department of Higher Education | The Ohio Department of Higher Education

Fry Scholarship - provides Post 9/11 GI benefits to children and spouses of fallen service members who died in the line of duty while on active duty after 9/10/2001.

Fry Scholarships | Veterans Affairs (va.gov)


The Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3) began establishing itself around the country between 2007 and 2009. The MIC3’s sole purpose is to facilitate timely enrollment of K-12 students in school systems during any point in an academic year due to Active Duty assignments of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Contact: Pete LuPiba, Ohio’s MIC3 Commissioner

Phone: (614) 466-6573 | Email: pete.lupiba@obm.ohio.gov.

For additional resources and assistance, please visit our website at:


Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission, 1776 Avenue of the States, Lexington, KY 40511

Morale Welfare Recreation Libraries

Children's Corner

Is a library of resources with learning products for children, families, mentors, teachers, and partners that improve learning opportunities for everyone.

Continuing Education

A library of resources for academic skill-building, career advancement and standardized test preparation

Reference and Research

Resources that focus on research, using encyclopedia's, periodicals and journals. Enjoy fast and easy access to thousands of articles, biographies, videos, images and websites.

Do It Yourself

A collection of resources for the person who wants to Do It Yourself. With resources ranging from auto repair to home renovations and gardening.

Science and Technology

Resources with the scientist in mind. Updated daily on topics across the curriculum, covering biology, chemistry, earth and environmental science, physics, and more.

All of these and more may be found by visiting dodmwrlibraries.org

Military OneSource

Military OneSource is a Department of Defense program that provides FREE services to all members regardless of branch or component (Active, National Guard, Reserve) and their family members. School professionals may set up an account with Military OneSource and order materials and have them shipped at no cost. Items include books, videos, and more on a variety of topics to include on separation, family changes, mindfulness exercises and more. Free services from Military OneSource include but are not limited to:


Non-Medical Counseling that is strictly confidential for eligible individuals occurs face to face, by telephone, or via secure online chat or video conference. Issues may include deployment and reintegration concerns, parenting, grief and loss, changes in family status, etc.

kids running

Health & Wellness Coaching is available at no-cost on a variety of issues such as time management, weight loss, fitness, nutrition, etc.


Education Consultations which include research and referrals for services or programs specific to service members’ educational needs. Specialists may provide members with referrals to in-home tutors and tutoring centers in the area, as well as public and private school information, college profiles based on desired degree and specific requests, financial assistance, and scholarship and grant program referrals.

kids racing

Special Needs Consultations can assist families in addressing questions and concerns regarding the care and education of a family member with special needs — both children and adults. Whether they are concerned about the special education cycle or finding information about specialized doctors, Military OneSource consultants can assist them with any non medical concern.

military onesource

All these services are available by calling 1-800-342-9647

our military kids

Do you have families in your school experiencing an overseas deployment?

Do you have students who play sports?

Or do they take dance, music, or art classes?

Would they like to try something like karate or camp?

Could your students benefit from a tutor to stay at grade level?

If the answer is YES to any of these questions, Our Military Kids may be able to help. Our Military Kids pays for children ages 3 through the 12th grade of deployed National Guard and Reserve personnel to participate in youth sports, fine arts, and tutoring programs. This is a way of recognizing the sacrifices the entire family is making while the service member is deployed overseas.

It is simple to apply to the program… Just fill out an Our Military Kids application that can be downloaded from our website, ww.ourmilitarykids.org. Send it in with the required documentation listed on the application, including deployment orders, proof of the child’s dependent status, and cost information for the activity of your choice. The grant will cover up to six months of instruction for the activity you select, with a maximum grant award of up to $300 per child. If everything is in order and funding is available, a check will be sent to the organization within two weeks. The child will be notified via mail with an award packet.


father and daughter


“Thank you for this great opportunity. My oldest son used this program and improved his ACT score significantly.” Merriann McKillip, Military.com “Thank you for making this possible. As a single parent who just retired from the military, I did not have the financial resources at hand to spend thousands of dollars on ACT/SAT prep classes for my children. Both of my children are straight A students and they deserve the best opportunities for improving their chances to enter college. Thanks to your support, I can use my resources to make visits to college campuses and for college application fees instead. You have been a true blessing!.” Nancy Dubose, Military.com


eKnowledge™ is a leading provider of interactive e-learning products and services. Our on-line, CD, and DVD interactive learning programs range from SAT, ACT, LSAT, and other Test Prep courses, to highly effective diagnostic, teaching and learning tools for business, education and other institutions.



March2Success is an interactive online test preparation system that is unsurpassed. The system provides a full array of subject specific assessments and remedial courses tailored to the student’s educational needs, as well as practice drills and tests. The March2Success system can enhance and refresh students knowledge and assist them in achieving their educational or career goals.

March2Success is an online, self-paced course designed to improve student performance on standardized tests while enhancing student math, science, English and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Skills. To have a strong future, the U.S. Army provides all its employees with a large selection of educational programs and benefits. Now the Army is extending that commitment to young adults still in school. March2Success is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week so students can log on at times that are convenient for them. March2Success is free. There is no obligation.


Tutor.com 10 Things Educators Should Know About tutor.com for military families.











Contact: Ohio National Guard Family Readiness and Warrior Support


2825 West Dublin Granville Road Columbus, OH 43235

The Ohio National Guard: Family Readiness and Warrior Support Program


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Resources on this website come directly from:

Ohio National Guard Family Readiness & Warrior Support Education Resources for Military Connected Youth Resource Guide

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