Renewal Applications are for Kent residents who currently have a child currently enrolled through “Intradistrict Elementary Open Enrollment.” The “Intradistrict Open Enrollment” Policy for the Kent City School District establishes procedures for Kent residents to have their child attend an elementary school that is different from the neighborhood school in their assigned attendance area. These Renewal Applications will be accepted through June 1. Approval is on an annual, first come-first served, basis and is dependent upon available classroom space and parental transportation to the requested school.

Intradistrict Elementary Open Enrollment RENEWAL Application – Available April 1 – June 1

RENEWAL APPLICATIONS for 2025-2026  will open on April 1, 2025.

If you have any questions, you can contact Winnie Warner in the Superintendent’s office at  or 330-676-7630.



Intradistrict Elementary Open Enrollment NEW Application  – Available May 1 to June 1 

NEW Intradistrict Elementary Applications will be accepted beginning on May 1st for Kent City Schools resident families who wish to apply for the upcoming school year.  Applications for current resident students will not be accepted after June 1st. Families that move into the district after June 1 may still apply for Intradistrict Elementary Open Enrollment.

NEW APPLICATIONS for 2025-2026 will open on May 1, 2025.

If you are a  Kent resident,  and are interested in applying for “Intradistrict Elementary Open Enrollment” to another school for the next school year, please contact your elementary principal in your neighborhood attendance area:

Davey Elementary School, Abbey Bolton or (330) 676-7400

Holden Elementary School, Todd Poole or (330) 676-8400

Longcoy Elementary School, Janice Swan or (330) 676-8350

Walls Elementary School, Heidi Singer or (330) 676-8300

If you have any questions, you can contact Winnie Warner in the Superintendent’s office at  or 330-676-7630.

Return to the main enrollment page.