Homeless Resources
The purpose of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Children and Youth Program is to ensure that all children and youth, including preschoolers, have equal access to the same free and appropriate public education as non-homeless children and youth.
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Jim Soyars
Homeless Liaison
Phone: 330-676-7650
Email: jsoyars@kentschools.net
Resources for Families (found at https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Student-Supports/Homeless-Youth)
If you have questions, or are experiencing homelessness*, please contact Jim Soyars, Homeless Liaison, at 330-676-7650 or jsoyars@kentschools.net.
* Students meet the McKinney-Vento definition of homeless when they lack a fixed, regular, adequate nighttime residence. Students who are sharing the housing of another person (doubled up) due to loss of housing, economic hardship or similar reason meet the definition of homeless. This includes students living in motels, hotels, RV parks or campgrounds due to lack of alternative adequate accommodations, as well as those living in emergency or transitional shelters or abandoned in hospitals.
LOCAL resources for families in homeless and/or crisis situations
Miller Community House provides emergency shelter and supportive services to men, women and children experiencing a housing crisis. Essential to our mission is improving the quality of life for our residents by providing a 30- day shelter that includes advocacy, information and referrals to area resources and collaborative agencies.
Homeless or at risk of becoming homeless! Last permanent address in Portage County, currently Sober and is not actively psychotic, Suicidal or Homicidal. Does not have any active warrant out for arrest! Does not have any active warrants out for arrest. Does not have a violent criminal History!
P: 330.673.0034 24 hours a Day/7 days a week
The Haven of Portage County is a rescue mission and warming center in Portage County that addresses each stage of homelessness and provides holistic healing through the power of the gospel.
If you or a loved one are in a homeless crisis, dealing with hunger, or need other services,
A staff member will be able to answer your questions and let you know if there are any open beds.
Phone: 330.235.8600 Email Address: info@portagehaven.org
Mailing Address: 2645 State Route 59, Ravenna, OH 44266
The Portage Area Transitional Housing (PATH) program assists homeless families and individuals who are experiencing significant difficulties that hinder their ability to maintain stable housing. PATH offers comprehensive, supportive services and subsidized transitional housing for up to 12 months to support participants in their efforts to increase social and economic strength and to secure permanent, stable housing.
Who is eligible? – Homeless families and single adults who desire to become self-sufficient and are willing to work with an Advocate/Case Manager to devise and carry out a plan for self sufficiency and permanent housing.
PATH housing for families with children is available at dedicated sites in Ravenna, Kent and Windham, as well as with private landlords willing to accept PATH Family Voucher. PATH housing for single adults with no children is available throughout Portage County via private landlords willing to accept the PATH rental subsidy.
5650 South Prospect St. #101
Ravenna, Ohio 44266
P: 330.296.0024
The mission of Safer Futures is to lessen the scope of domestic violence in Portage County. We are your Link To Shelter, Support, Legal Advocacy and Referrals.
P: 330.673.2500
P: 330.296.2100
To qualify for the Next Step program, young adults must be homeless or victims of crime such as domestic violence or in the foster care system due to abuse and neglect. Next Step case managers will assist in securing housing, employment, education, transportation, and health care.
Andrea Pollock
15583 Burton-Windsor Rd.
Middlefield, OH 44062
P: 440.426.2010
The Portage Metropolitan Housing Authority (PMHA) is dedicated to meeting the housing needs of low-income families and individuals of Portage County by developing, managing and supporting decent, affordable housing in cooperation with community partners.
Contact Information
2832 State Route 59
Ravenna, OH 44266
(330) 297-1489