Teal blue  with wording AP Exam Info
the middle years in blue block letters
Carrer and Employment Fair flyer black white red
Green background with note pad that says What is the PSAT?
blue and black background with white writing  for PSAT NMSQT College Board
KSU free application flyer with information blue and gold colors
Blue Background flyer with information about upcoming KSU college fair
Black and white lettering for A.C.T Test Supercourse
Black and White Upcoming College Visit with silouette of people
The word Senior in Black cursive font with and arrow and graduation cap
QR code with a rough rider in the middle  black and white in color
Welcome Freshmen flier
Job fair in black outlined in red with a megaphone
Goodyear Stem flyer tow young people talking in picture at the top.  Words describing what to expect that day, scholarships and Rube Goldberg machine Contest
College Credit Plus logo in yellow blue and black text
Words report cards with a thumb tack to pin it up
Official ACT prep guide book cover