Title I
Kent City Schools – Proud to be a Title I School
Title I, is the largest federal aid program for schools serving Elementary and Secondary schools each year. Through Title I, The Federal government provides money to states, which in turn provides money to school districts based on percentages of low-income student statistics.
A Title I Schoolwide Program enables ALL students in a school, particularly the lowest-achieving students, to reach the state’s content standards for reading/language arts and mathematics. The program ensures that ALL children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education.
Here at Kent City School District, the Title I schoolwide program serves ALL students in a school, rather than providing separate services as required under the targeted assistance program. It allows the school significant flexibilities, as it considers all students to be Title I eligible students and all teachers to be Title I teachers. The schoolwide Title I program provides greater decision-making authority and flexibility within the schools and for teachers to help students having difficulties. These funds also provide for extra attention, as well as materials and teachers.
Title I School Parents Right-to-Know – Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT)
This is the term used for a teacher who proves that he or she knows the subjects he or she is teaching, has a college degree, and is state-certified. As a parent of a student enrolled at a school receiving Title I funding, Federal law allows parents to request information regarding the professional qualifications for your child’s teacher or instructional aide. If information is needed, contact your building principal. (Source: Ohio Dept. of Education; Title I, Part A, Section 1111(h)).
Family Engagement Connections is our Parent Resource Newsletter. It is provided through our Schoolwide Title I Parent and Family Engagement program. Refer to our Schoolwide Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy. Every nine weeks and/or end of a semester, a Family Engagement Connections Newsletter is published on our schools’ home website or under our Parent link on the Kent City Schools website.
This Parent Resource Newsletter will contain information as well as tips for learning. In this newsletter, we share ideas about ways to be involved in your child’s learning, important school dates, suggestions, and strategies for working with your children at home.
We hope you enjoy this newsletter and find the information makes your difficult job of parenting easier and helps your child be successful in his/her learning.