PreK-12 School Counseling Program
PreK-12 School Counselors from left, front row: Christine Jones, Nancy Bubenzer, Anita Romeo, Emily Congrove, Randall Kline. From left, back row: Aaron Carlton, Deborah Rutzky, Jason Goshe, Carly Frey, Laurie Knuth.
School Counselors are aware of the many community resources available to help students and families. Here are some ways to access these resources:
For more information, please contact:
After surveying various parents throughout the district, we discovered that there was a need for more information for parents! We invite you to view the following information on special topics in counseling. The team of Kent City School District School Counselors wants everyone to have access to this important information. This page will be further developed as new topics are presented. So, check back for updates! If you feel that you would like to see more information on a topic that is not listed, please feel free to contact Carly Frey at Stanton Middle School. 330-676-8626.
Eating Disorders
Teen Overachieving
Self Injurious Behavior
Teen Bullying
Staying Connected With Your Teen: Lingo
Teen Grief
Stress and Anxiety in Children
Study Tips
Teen Depression
Mission Statement
“The mission of the school counseling program in Kent City Schools is to support the academic, career and personal/social development of all students, pre-kindergarten through grade 12. In collaboration with educators, parents/guardians, and the greater community, the comprehensive pre-K – 12 school counseling program provides all students with the needed support and access to the knowledge and skills that empower them to become contributing members of society”. The PreK-12 mission statement aligns with the standards from the American School Counseling Association.
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