Supplemental Educational Services
Davey Elementary has been identified as being in School Improvement (SI). This notification complies with the requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act.
School Improvement is based on performance on the Ohio Achievement Assessments in reading and mathematics. Davey did not meet the goal for mathematics in the economically disadvantaged and African American subgroups.
Following the federal guidelines regarding this status, families who meet the income limits under the law, may request Supplemental Educational Services (free tutoring). This tutoring is by an outside provider. The district will assist in selecting an approved provider. A list of approved programs that wish to offer this tutoring to your child is available through the school office. This tutoring is in addition to the after-school tutoring program currently offered at Davey Elementary School.
To move Davey out of School Improvement status, a plan based on data is being developed to help achieve higher levels of student performance. Your participation is welcomed in developing this plan to improve. Please contact Ms. Abbey Bolton, at 330-676-7410 if you are interested in helping meet this goal.