Elementary Counseling
Davey Elementary School Counselor
Emily Congrove
Davey Elementary School Counseling Program
The Elementary School Counseling Program adheres to the philosophy that all people can learn and grow physically, intellectually, emotionally, and in social and moral responsibility. Our comprehensive program is built on the assumption that certain educational, career, and personal objectives are attainable when school counseling for all students is provided.
Each Elementary School has a unique vision/mission statement.
The elementary school counselors are committed to the following belief statements:
All students have dignity and worth
All students have the right to participate in the school counseling program.
All students’ gender, ethnic, cultural, and racial differences as well as any special needs of the student are considered in the planning and implementation of the school counseling program.
All the special needs of each elementary school building are considered in the planning and implementation of the school counseling program for that school.
All students shall have access to a full time, state certified master’s degree – level counselor.
The school counseling program
Shall be planned and coordinated by the counseling staff.
Shall allow all students to have access to a school counselor to discuss personal issues.
Shall provide all students and parents assistance in educational planning.
Shall provide all students and parents with access to information about occupations in the upcoming workforce.
Shall allow all students assistance in identifying their needs in the personal/ social domain.
Shall give students and their parents the opportunity to make choices within the constraints of the educational system.
Shall be consistent with expected developmental stages of learning.
Shall utilize the many combined resources of the community.
Shall be based on professional mandates and guidelines proposed by the National School Counselor Association.
The school counselors
Shall abide by the professional ethics of guidance and counseling as advocated by the American School Counselor Association.
Shall participate in professional development activities essential to maintaining a quality school counseling program.